Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

It is that time of year. Everyone tries to think of something they can do to better themselves or the world. One of mine is to keep up this blog and show how I am working on minimizing the distance that my food travels between being grown and my mouth...

Planet Green had a post this morning about "green New Year's resolutions." They usually have good ideas on how to reduce, reuse, recycle, etc. Of their 25 resolutions, these are my favorites:

17. Go vegetarian one day a week. The livestock industry is a huge greenhouse gas emitter.
18. Eat organic -- it may not be nutritionally superior, but it's a lot better for the planet.

21. Grow your own fruits, veggies, and herbs.

#17 - I've been a vegetarian for 7 or 8 years now. Each year saves about the amount of emissions as one cross country flight... which offsets the large amount of travel I have to do for my graduate career.

#18 - I like growing my own food because I KNOW what was used. I had some serious issues last year with bugs eating my squash, so I may use some pesticides there this year, but I love my garden food because it is so much more natural than what I can get at the store.

#21 - I'm doing that again, and this time, I'll keep a blog about it.

A few resources I'll be using in the next month or two:

This is the time of year to plan what to grow in the spring. Tomatoes, peppers, green beans, and squash are all in the list. More herbs this year. Maybe some house plants and herbs... The last link is more for planning right now. What do I want to do a pick my own of?

I have a grow light I bought from a friend moving to Chile, a bunch of pots and planters to get stuff started... it will be planting time next month... at least for starting seeds indoors. CAN'T WAIT!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Hi Noel! Good goals, I wish you the best on achieving them! Steve and I do #17, which as he's a big meat fan it was hard to get that started. We also do fish once a week too. I guess we should eat more walleye and get it locally.

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