Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Planting time is quickly approaching!

So much to do, and so little time. I should be planting seeds in two short weeks! Tomatoes need about 2 months of time before going in the ground. So, I set up the bench in the basement with the paper pots and plastic pots leftover from last year. I filled them with potting soil, and the lights are in place.

My wife and I were driving home the other day and I found a wooden trellis that someone was throwing out. I have made a little fence of sorts out of it, where the peas can grow up and use it for support.

I officially started the first seeds: Onions, and parsley, in little Jiffy pots, and cayenne peppers. We'll see how they do. As you may have seen in a previous post, onions may not be my forte.

Anyways, last Sunday was BEAUTIFUL. A wondrous sunny afternoon with a temperature in the 50s. I was outside, expanding the garden and taking out two bushes so I have enough room for everything. Now for the tough question. Do I put several rows of seeds perpendicular to the entrance side, or one long path, with several shorter parallel rows? I have a lot more work to do, but with another 2 days that are good weather, I should be able to do it in the time left before seedlings go in the ground. I'll plant the rest of my pepper seeds as soon as they arrive. Heirloom Acre Seeds took longer than I anticipated to ship. Tomatoes get planted next week!

Sorry for the lack of posts, but I have been busy!

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